Free Professional Santa Photo
To enable us to get your professional photo with Santa emailed to you please take a phone snap now of the people in your Santa photo. Being able to see what you are wearing this evening makes it much easier to match your image up with your email. Then attach that photo in an email to Clear Light Photography.
When your free photo is edited, it will be emailed to the address that you are sending from. If you want your photo to go to another email address as well, just list that in the email.

Or click the button below to open and pre-fill an email in your default email app on your device.
If you use outlook on an IOS device and the above link does not work try this alternate link instead.
Follow Clear Light Photography on facebook for updates on when your photo will be sent out!
Emails and phone snaps collected will only be used to match and send the images taken at the Christmas on John Street photobooth once Clare has worked her editing magic over them and will not be used for any other purpose. We want to ensure the right photos end up with the right people. The professional Santa photos may be shared online or used for promotion of the event in the future, if you wish to keep your image private please make note of that in your email to Clear Light Photography.

The photos are free courtesy of Singleton Council. We hope you enjoyed the experience, and will enjoy your photo which you can expect to receive sometime in the next two weeks, if it does not arrive before the 23rd December please make sure to check your junk inbox and also don’t hesitate to reach out to Clear Light Photography. Clear Light Photography will also do a facebook post containing unmatched photos when the rest are complete.